Math Programs

Math Remediation

  • Students in grades 1-12

    Students showing gaps in math foundational skills receive one-to-one support from teachers to help them get back on target for their grade level. Don’t let your student start the school year in distress. Let Brightmont build their mathematical foundation and set them up for success.

  • What you get at Brightmont

    • One student, one teacher instruction
    • (20) 1-hour session package options, scheduled around your availability
    • Pre- and post- tests to assess student skills and growth
    • Extensive practice to build foundational math skills

Take the mystery out of algebra

  • Middle and high school students

    For many students, Algebra can be the most difficult class to master. Understanding Algebra is critically important as it is often viewed as a gatekeeper to higher-level mathematics and it’s a required course for most high school students to graduate and a prerequisite for most colleges. Brightmont Academy’s 6 Pillars of Algebra program removes the mystery of the mathematical language. Don’t let your student start the school year in distress. Let Brightmont build their mathematical foundation and set them up for success.

  • What you get at Brightmont

    • One student, one teacher instruction
    • (20) 1-hour session package options, scheduled around your availability
    • Pre- and post- tests to assess student skills and growth
    • Master the 6 Pillars of Algebra
    • Extensive practice on the path to mastery of one of the most critical academic courses
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